Manual Migration Tools

We’ve created a “manual migration option” for customers whose accounts are not passing our quality assurance process, giving you an opportunity to take an active role in the migration of your account. You know your site best, and the QA issues we’re encountering could be something simple that you’ll be able to resolve using our manual migration tools.

To access the manual migration tools, log into your Transition Kiosk and click the “migration tools” link.

Please note: The manual migration instructions below are for shared hosting accounts. If you have a VPS or Dedicated Server, you will need to follow the VPS Manual Migration path.

Identifying Migration Issues

To see the specific QA issues that are holding up your account’s migration, visit the QA Results Tool,” located in the migration tools section of the Transition Kiosk.

The QA Results Tool is designed to help you identify migration issues. You can then correct the issues by making changes to your account directly on the new platform. It’s also possible that the issues being flagged are false positives or simply aren’t important to the overall performance of your website and email. If that’s the case, you can choose to ignore the issue(s), which would override the QA process and allow your account to be migrated.

Fixing Migration Issues

First, make sure that your account on the new platform includes any recent changes you may have made to your website on the old platform. Use the “Account Migration Tool” to re-sync the two accounts — it will automatically replace site files, etc. on the new platform with the latest versions of those files on the old platform.

You can then make any changes you like to your website on the new platform. Don’t forget that your domain still points to the old platform, and so, to use FTP to update files on the new platform, prior to your account’s migration, you will need to publish to, since publishing to will only allow you to access files on the old platform. You can backup and restore any databases you may have on the new platform via phpMyAdmin (MySQL).

Once the migration is complete and your domain is pointing to the new platform, you will, of course, be able to use to publish on the new platform. Also, if you’re having trouble with your username or password, learn more about logging in on the new platform.

Completing the Migration

Once you’ve fixed or ignored the issues identified by the QA Results Tool, and your site is working on the new platform to your satisfaction, simply point your domain name(s) to the new platform using the “Attempt DNS-Repoint Tool.”

Please note that your account may not be immediately migrated. There could be a delay while we make sure that your domain is being managed by our registrar partner. We’ll also run one last series of QA tests, and any additional issues (that you haven’t already chosen to ignore) could also delay your account’s migration. Either way, we’ll email you to let you know the status of your migration attempt.

If your site does not pass this final QA process, but you are satisfied with everything on the new platform and want the account migrated, you can contact the migration team and have us override the QA process to complete your account’s migration.

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