What To Do If Your Account Hasn’t Been Migrated

We’ve been engaged in this migration to the new Verio technology platform for some time. Unfortunately, after extensive evaluation by our migration engineers, there are certain accounts that we were not able to migrate to the new Verio technology platform. We have made several attempts to notify any account holders whose accounts could not be migrated.

The migration period has ended, and the old platform is in the process of being dismantled. Accounts that remain hosted on the old platform will experience service interruptions beginning Monday, January 16, 2017, and data associated with these accounts will ultimately be deleted. If your account was not migrated, you’ll need to find another hosting provider immediately, or re-create your account directly on the new platform by following the steps below:

STEP 1: Back Up Your Account Files (if you haven’t done so already)

Shared-hosting customers can access the files from the migration archive backup we made, which is available via FTP at ftp.verio.com using your account’s existing username and password. (Resellers should use ftp.yourwebhosting.com for their client accounts.) VPS customers need to contact us to request the backup. Be sure to back up your files to a local machine (i.e., your computer’s hard drive, not the Internet) to prevent data loss when the old platform becomes completely inaccessible.

STEP 2: Set Up a Working Account

If you’d like to set up your account on the new platform, there are two options:

  • Migrate Your Account: Beginning January 17th, use the “Migrate My Account” button in the Transition Kiosk. (The “Migrate My Account” button will not be available until January 17th). Then test your account on the new platform. We can’t guarantee your account will work — if it hasn’t been migrated already, it has likely failed our quality assurance testing several times.

STEP 3: Transfer Your Files

Then rebuild your site, moving your files and databases from your backup to the new account. Once you’ve tested everything, contact us to have us move your domain(s) to your new account and point them to your re-created website on the new platform.

You are, of course, under no obligation to set up your account on the new Verio platform. We value your business and do not want to lose you as a customer, but our first priority is to make sure that your website, email, and related services work correctly. Since that is no longer possible on our hosting platform without your direct intervention, we understand if you decide to find another place to host your account — in fact, we recommend it. If you move your account elsewhere, let us know, so we can provide you with a pro-rated refund for any remaining time on your current payment term now that the old platform is shutting down.

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