November 28th End Date

We continue to migrate more accounts each day — as a reminder, we move them one at a time, running each one through our extensive quality-assurance process — but we’re running out of time. The old Verio platform is scheduled to be taken offline on November 28, and if your account has not been migrated by then, your website, email and other services will be taken offline along with it, and your data will ultimately be deleted. We’re doing our best to make sure that doesn’t happen, but we may need you to help us.

One option is to migrate your own account right now. After all, you know your site best, and any QA issues we encounter may end up being something simple that you’d be able to resolve using our manual migration tools. These tools allow you to do exactly what we’re doing — copy your files onto the new platform, compare the version on the new platform with the one on the old platform, make any necessary adjustments to the new-platform site, and re-point DNS. Learn more or get started »

Keep in mind that there’s a possibility that your account could get stuck in the QA process, and in case that happens near the November 28th platform suspension, we wanted to give you your options now, while there’s still time to make arrangements for your account. If we’re unable to get your account to pass our QA process by November 28, your full options are below.

Option 1: Migrate Your Account Manually

We’ve created a “manual migration option” to give customers an opportunity to take an active role in the migration of their accounts. You know your site best, and any QA issues we may encounter could end up being something simple that you’ll be able to resolve using our manual migration tools. Learn more about the manual migration option and how to get started »

Option 2: Recreate Your Account on the New Platform

All new Verio accounts are set up directly on the new platform. You can avoid the migration process altogether by creating a new account on the new platform. You would then need to re-publish your site, recreate your mailboxes, and transfer your domain(s). We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause you, but it would ensure that your website and email services will continue to work when the old Verio platform is taken offline.

If you select this option, please contact our migration team to let us know! We can create the new account, leaving it empty for you to fill in, or reimburse you for the account after the fact. Then, once you’ve let us know that everything is working on the new platform, we’ll go ahead and disable the old-platform account (and stop sending you messages about QA failures).

Option 3: Make Arrangements with Another Web Hosting Provider

It’s possible that your website’s configuration may not be compatible with the new platform’s hosting architecture, or that you require a product that isn’t available on the new platform, which could mean that we are not able to host your account at Verio. If we can’t get your services working correctly on the new platform, you will need to make arrangements to host your website and email with another provider.

As you know, the Verio web hosting business is under new ownership, and for the past several months, we’ve been trying to move customer accounts from the old hosting platform to a new one. Once the migration is complete, the old platform will be taken offline and dismantled.

We value your business and do not want to lose you as a customer, but our first priority is to make sure that your website, email, and related services work correctly. If that is not possible on our hosting platform, we hope you’ll find another place to host your account. We also recommend that you back up your site files to a local machine (i.e., your computer’s hard drive, not the Internet) as soon as possible to prevent potential data loss when the original platform goes offline.

We are truly sorry for any difficulties this situation may present, and we will try to help you as best we can. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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