New Platform Login Information

Welcome to the new platform!

If you’ve received the confirmation email letting you know that your account has been successfully migrated, you can log into your account at:

On the new platform, you’ll have one login for all services, and in most cases, it will be the same as your hosting login on the old platform (i.e., If you run into any issues logging in, please see below for more information about your username and password.

If your account hasn’t yet been migrated, continue to log into your account as you previously had. If you’re not sure if you’ve been migrated, you’ll see the “Transition Kiosk” when you log into the new platform. Learn more about the Transition Kiosk ยป

Your Username

In most cases, your username is the same as your hosting login on the old platform, though in some rare cases, we may have needed to change it slightly. We included your new-platform username in your migration confirmation message, though you should also be able to log in with your domain name.

Please note: on the new platform, each hosting product is associated with a separate, unique account. If your account used to have more than one hosting product, we created a subaccount for each of your hosting products and included a list of these subaccounts in your migration confirmation email. You’ll be able to manage all of your subaccounts via our Client Manager tool.

Your Password

In most cases, your password has also not changed — it should be the same as your hosting login on the old platform (i.e.,

We have not, of course, included your password in any emails to you for security reasons, but once your account has been migrated, you can reset your password at any time if you’re not sure what it is. We’ll send you an email with a link to reset it, and the email will also include your username, if you’re not sure what it is.

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