Changes to Your Domain Name Server (DNS)

The last step of the migration is pointing your domains to the new platform.

If you are already using Verio name servers, we have made this change for you.

It usually takes just a few hours for domain name server (DNS) changes to take effect, though it can take up to 24 hours for the update to spread globally. When you’re testing and reviewing your site on the new platform, we recommend looking at your site via the subdomain we’ve set up to ensure that what you’re testing is the new-platform version of your website, and not the old-platform version that will disappear when the old platform is taken offline.

If your domains are registered through another company but are hosted with Verio, please contact your domain registrar and have them point your domains to the following name servers:


Otherwise, when the old platform is taken offline, any websites associated with your domains will also appear to have been taken offline — until you point your domains to the new platform.

Many registrars offer online tools that allow you to update your nameserver information. For details, visit our knowledgebase.

Also, be sure to check your DNS zone file — if you have an A record or MX record pointing to an old-platform IP address, you will need to update it to point to the new-platform IP address of

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